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Michelle Schultz

Michelle began dancing at the age of 3 at Niagara Dance Centre in Niagara Falls, NY under the direction of Amber Storr, and took classes in tap, jazz and lyrical ballet.  As a young teenager, she became an assistant to the teacher and began teaching a class of her own as a junior and senior in high school.

Upon entering college, Michelle was a member of the Orchesis dance troupe at Grove City College in Grove City, PA.  She performed in tap, jazz and lyrical ballet routines.  She also became a choreographer for the group and was selected to be both the Junior Director and Senior Director.  In this position, she organized the spring performance, auditioned choreographers and selected the pieces to be performed, in addition to choreographing a piece and the finale number.

After graduating college, she moved back to the Western NY area to earn a Masters Degree in K-12 school counseling at the State University of NY at Buffalo.  While taking graduate classes, she taught at Niagara Dance Centre.  She taught students from the age of 6 to 76 in the areas of tap, jazz and lyrical ballet.  Michelle choreographed 15-20 numbers each year, including group numbers, duos, trios and solos.  She also choreographed a select group of high school dancers for a contemporary competition piece.

Upon moving to Spartanburg, Michelle joined the Tap Dames and Dudes in 2009 and has been dancing in the group ever since.  With the group, she has performed in SC and GA.  Michelle has a great passion for the art of dance and is excited to be a part of the Ballet Spartanburg Dance Center.

Ballet Spartanburg is funded in part by The Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, its donors, the County and City f Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC. 

Ballet Spartanburg is funded in part by Chapman Cultural Center, its donors, the County and City of  Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC. 

                    Ballet Spartanburg

                    200 E St. John St.                                 

                   Spartanburg, SC, 29306             



  (864) 583-0339                


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