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Susan Woodham

Outreach Director/Creative/Pre-Ballet/Ballet


Ms. Susan Woodham is Dance Specialist for Pine Street Elementary School and Outreach Director and Instructor for Ballet Spartanburg. She earned her BA in psychology and her MEd in Elementary Education from Converse College. She is certified in elementary education and in dance. She has served as facilitator for Curriculum Leadership Institute in the Arts for over 10 years and on the team to rewrite the SC Academic Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts twice. She served as president for the SC Dance Association twice. Ms. Woodham also serves on the advisory council for the SC Dance Education Organization. She is the developer and coordinator of Ballet Spartanburg’s City Dance, a dance program for inner city students. She was named SC Dance Association’s Dance Educator of the Year for 2000-2001 and has been honored with a Career Achievement award from Converse College. She is a member of SC Dance Association, Ballet Spartanburg, SC Arts Alliance, SC Alliance for Arts Education, SC Dance Education Organization and the National Dance Education Organization. In addition to dance, Ms. Woodham enjoys reading, being an advocate for arts education and contra dancing.

Ballet Spartanburg is funded in part by The Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, its donors, the County and City f Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC. 

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